Sunday, July 26, 2009


ISO 14001:2004 requires an organization to make a “commitment” in its environmental policy to comply with applicable legal requirements that relate to its environmental aspects. The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal requirements that is consistent with realising this commitment.
The specific clauses of ISO 14001:2004, which are most important with respect to legal compliance are the following EMS elements:
1) public environmental policy commitment to legal compliance (sub-clause 4.2);
2) identification and having access to applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to its environmental aspects (sub-clause 4.3.2 a));
3) how those legal requirements apply to the organisation’s environmental aspects (sub-clause 4.3.2 b));
4) objectives/targets/programs (sub-clause 4.3.3)
5) how legal obligations are routinely managed and monitored (sub-clauses 4.4.6 and 4.5.1);
6) evaluation of legal compliance (sub-clause 4.5.2);
7) corrective and preventive actions where necessary (sub-clause 4.5.3);
8) internal audit (sub-clause 4.5.5); and
9) management review (sub-clause 4.6).

Implementing ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard that provides a framework for a strategic approach to corporate environmental management. This standard gives organisations the means to identify and control their environmental impacts, improve performance and achieve their objectives and targets. The standard is independently audited, giving it great strength and integrity.
Due to its widespread adoption (e.g. Barclays, Credit Suisse and UBS in the financial sector), it now acts as a common reference for communication about environmental issues. ISO 14001 provides assurance to stakeholders on environmental claims and helps organisations meet requirements laid down by clients and investors.
Adoption of ISO 14001 is being driven by stakeholder concerns as well as the significant benefits on offer to adopters. Few companies are now exempt from government, client and investor demands for accountability and improved environmental performance. With brand and reputation on the line, it is a risky strategy to ignore these concerns.
However, choosing how to act is not a straightforward decision. Companies that rushed to announce their green credentials without independent verification and transparency fell foul of greenwash accusations and suffered perhaps more damage to their reputation than had they not acted in the first place. In response to this, many companies are now choosing to implement internationally recognised and independently audited environmental management systems such as ISO 14001.
The benefits of implementing ISO 14001 are extensive:
It immediately enhances corporate reputation and sends a clear signal of commitment to corporate responsibility. Accusations of greenwash are prevented by the transparent and robust approach of the standard.
Proactive environmental management increases attractiveness to investors, especially for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), an area already accounting for £9 billion investment per year in the UK alone.
ISO 14001 accreditation may also bring financial benefits through increased market share. Firms can differentiate themselves from competitors as responsible companies as well as securing the rewards of first mover advantage in new markets. In addition, many buyers are now implementing sustainable procurement codes and stipulating conditions in Requests for Information (RFIs) where suppliers are required to have environmental credentials. Gaining ISO 14001 accreditation ensures access to environmentally demanding but high reward markets.
Financial benefits are not limited to increased investment and sales. Implementation of an EMS may produce significant cost savings that actually negate the initial outlay. With energy and waste prices rising sharply, environmental responsibility can produce a win:win opportunity.
Perhaps the most significant benefit for many will be the positive effect on attracting and retaining staff. With intense competition for the best staff, corporate responsibility is becoming a key criterion against which employers are judged.
Finally, responsible environmental management is quickly becoming a necessary condition for business, a socially accepted norm of behaviour. Those who fail to follow these norms risk damage to their reputation and the possibility of their social licence to operate being revoked.
A standard as thorough and robust as ISO 14001 has an equally thorough implementation process with extensive requirements for procedures and auditable document trails. Implementation follows the Plan-Do-Check-Review cycle and key required procedures are detailed in the diagram below. Implementation will entail the creation of at least 20 procedures and supporting documents. The procedures are all company-specific and must be tailored to suit individual operations. It is this level of detail that gives the standard such strength and integrity.

The ISO 14000 Challenge

The building blocks of an environmental management system is an understanding of aspects and impacts.
Implementing ISO 14001 begins with identifying how an organisation’s business activities impact on the
Many organisations believe they are already aware of the significant aspects and impacts of their operations.
The process of implementing ISO 14001 may uncover significant impacts not previously identified and allows
for a consistent approach to analysis.
Generally this analysis is done department by department or centre by centre.
It is best if it is a team approach that involves the employees who do the activity. An employee’s
familiarity with a task is essential for both the identification of the environmental impacts of business
activities and the determination or implementation of control measures.
An aspect is any element of an organisation’s activities, products or services that can interact with the
An impact is the change caused to the environment.
Impacts may occur during normal and abnormal operating conditions, such as accidents and
Aspects can often be isolated by analysing the inputs and outputs of an activity.
Once the impacts have been determined they have to be evaluated.
Criteria for evaluation include environmental concerns such as the severity of the impact, and business
concerns such as potential regulatory and legal exposure, the probability of the impact occurring, the
cost of changing the impact and effect on public image.
This type of evaluation highlights the significant impacts. These, in turn, determine the significant
aspects. Once the significant aspects have been determined, targets and objectives can be set.

What Is an Environment Management System (EMS) ?

What Is an Environment Management System (EMS) ?

An EMS can be described as a program of continuous environmental improvement that follows a defined sequence of steps drawn from established project management practice and routinely applied in business
management. In simple terms these steps are as follows:
• Review the environmental consequences of the operations.
• Define a set of policies and objectives for environmental performance.
• Establish an action plan to achieve the objectives.
• Monitor performance against these objectives.
• Report the results appropriately.
• Review the system and the outcomes and strive for continuous improvement.
Not every system will present these steps in exactly the same way, but the basic principles are clear and easily understandable.
The ISO 14000 series is a series of standards for different aspects of environmental management. A number of these standards relating to environmental management systems have been adopted formally by
the members of the ISO, while others are in different stages of preparation.
The standards that have been adopted are (as of early 1997):
ISO 14001-1996 Environmental management systems:
specification with guidance for use
ISO 14004-1996 Environmental management systems:
general guidelines on principles, systems, and supporting techniques
ISO 14010-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
general principles of environmental auditing
ISO 14011-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
audit procedures; auditing of environmental management systems.
ISO 14012-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
qualification criteria for environmental auditors Standards currently available as draft international standards:
ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations:
self-declaration environmental claims; guidelines and definition and usage of terms.
ISO 14040 Environmental management: life cycle assessment; principles and framework
ISO 14050 Environmental management: vocabulary More than half a dozen others in this series have been drafted and are under discussion.