ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook
'..the definitive text on how to implement a quality management system 'the right way'....written in plain English...a great read..
Momentum, June 2002. (Magazine of the Quality Society of Australasia)
'With its emphasis throughout on process improvement, the book is a must for anyone in the business of implementing or interpreting ISO 9001:2000 and, more importantly, looking to gain added value and enhanced organisational performance from it.'
Quality World, May 2002
'Completely revised to align with ISO 9001:2000...it details the differences from the 1994 version and includes compliance and improvement questionnaires,tips for implementers, process flowcharts and a glossary of terms.'
Quality World, Dec. 2001
'a comprehensive and practical guide, covering over 250 necessary requirements a company must fulfil to achieve ISO 9000 status...includes useful check-lists, flow charts and related standards.'
Quality Today, Feb. 2002
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